A riot of FUN: Helen Simard's creation NO FUN at Summerworks
Helen's Simard's work NO FUN is brash, loose and incomprehensible and all of those things in the most intriguing, fun way. NO FUN is coming to Toronto next week as part of the dance portion of Summerworks Festival, curated by Jenn Goodwin. Helen is one of the spunkiest, coolest ladies I have met in the course of my career. On stage she has an infectious and beguiling presence, a riot of ease, smarts and spontaneity. As she answered my questions on her voice as a choreographer, you can also witness the considered thought that goes into crafting her fast and loose work. LR: "Brash" is a word used in your promotional material for NO FUN. What does brashness mean to you? HS: First thoughts: raw, shameless, unforgiving, uncompromising, self-confident, perhaps even rude. Beyond this: not being concerned with what one should be or do, just being and doing what one is, unashamedly. LR: What was the trajectory leading to making NO FUN? How did t...