A quick Q&A with Ofilio Sinbadinho of GADFLY!
photo courtesy of Gadfly LR: I love that your pieces get slightly updated names with each production, the 2.0, 3.0 at the end etc…What have you learned or developed in the pieces as you’ve restaged over time? OS: What we have learned I think is that those works were not finished. They were a snapshot in time of where we were as artists and things have changed. Being able to revisit works is not a chance but a must. We had to do it. We are not finished. We are not satisfied. We owe it to the people who come see our works. It is our choice. Go back into the lab and fix things that might have been rushed. What we’ve gained is that our works represent where we are in our heads. We change, we grow and so do those works, especially the ones coming from very personal places. LR: And the pieces you are premiering — what are the inspirations for them? OS: Inspiration is a very tricky term for me. I don’t buy into the idea of one thing as the trigger for creatin...